I would expect that Bible-reading Christians, and anyone with a truly biblical
worldview, would see the rainbow as a reminder that God has made a covenant
with mankind that he will never again destroy the world by flood (Genesis
9:9-17). In the Bible, we also find one
reference to a rainbow in Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:28) and two in the book of
Revelation (4:3 and 10:1).
In years gone by, a rainbow was often used as a symbol of New Age spirituality.
Perhaps some still see it that way.
The passing this week of Nelson Mandela has sparked countless references
to South Africa as a “rainbow nation”, the implication being that people of all
colours are now equally respected as part of that nation. The rainbow analogy
might be a bit idealistic in this case because South Africa is still no
paradigm of socially cohesive utopia.
Also in the news today, a row has erupted in Rome after Christmas lights
with a rainbow flag theme were set up in the main shopping area “to commemorate
the recent suicide of a gay teenager”. Conservative Christians, quite understandably,
are upset that the traditional celebration for the coming of Christ into the
world has been hijacked for the purpose of homosexual propaganda.
The rainbow flag was first used as a symbol of LGBT (lesbian, gay,
bi-sexual, trans-sexual) pride in California in 1978. Since then LGBT activists
have used it extensively in a wide range of contexts, the presumption being
that rainbows point to beautiful diversity. Sinners, of course, are always
going to be incredibly diverse. There are many ways to express the idea that “I
don’t need God telling me what to do.”
A brilliant rainbow set against a stormy grey sky is a thing of awe and
beauty. I find it sad, but inevitable in a fallen world, that an aspect of God’s
beautiful creation is being misappropriated in so many ways.
Even colours, just by themselves, are increasingly being used these days
to promote various agendas. ‘Green’ has been claimed by the left-wing
environmentalist lobby as if the colour itself was exclusively theirs. ‘Pink’
is being claimed as symbolic of homosexuality and other forms of ‘out-there’
In the end, it’s all about marketing and persistent manipulation of the media.
That’s sad as well.
This blog is normally a response to outlandish things that have been
said or written in popular media. But this time, I simply wanted to highlight (and
challenge) the audacious use of something everyone loves for radical ideological
What does the rainbow mean for you?
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