The manner in which this issue is being debated, at least in Australia,
should concern us all. Free speech is under threat like never before. Of course
I’m worried about the social implications of same-sex “marriage” but I’m even
more worried about the lack of fair, clear-headed public discussion on the
Public figures who dare point out that homosexuality is risky or
unnatural are mercilessly condemned in the media, and often by the
organisations in which they work. Respectable leaders have been sacked merely
for expressing their opposition to same-sex “marriage”. Funny, I didn’t realise
that the debate was already over, that one side had already been declared
victorious, or that it was now unacceptable to support established Commonwealth
Actually, it’s not funny at all!
I would have thought that the onus would be on the advocates of change
to make their case, answering objections with patience and understanding. So
far as I know, no “marriage equality” campaigner has attempted to answer the
fear that, under proposed legislation, two male paedophiles could marry and
adopt children. I certainly have never heard a convincing rationale that
allowing gays to marry would not open the door for polygamous or even
incestuous “marriage”. After all, the
exact same arguments would apply.
But no. Instead of answers, we
get nothing but lies, empty platitudes, indignation and slanderous, condemning
accusations of homophobia.
If Australians still value democratic principles, they must surely now
arise and demand that lobbyists and media spokespeople be held accountable for
uncivilised tactics that ridicule and seek to punish people with different viewpoints.